Thursday, 6 June 2013

Mid-week cooking adventures

Hello there,

Friday is here! It has been a very hectic week, and due to that, there has been little time to record my thoughts, activities and adventures around food this week.
But I did get a great night cooking in this week. When I am in a slump, all I want to do is get home and cook. I didn’t leave work until 5.40pm (when I finish at 4!), decided it was a great night to go shopping half way home. Got stuck in major traffic and it took me 1 hour to travel a 20 minute journey because of a road closure. Managed to keep a positive outlook because I had food shopping to look forward to! Realised I was in the loan car and didn’t have my shopping bags for Aldi, realised also that even if I was in my own car I still would have had the bags because I keep forgetting to put them in the boot! So, I decided to go to Safeway on the conclusion that it seemed cheap last time I shopped there. Finally got to the supermarket at 6.30pm after a delightful, investigative journey a way I don’t normally go.  Realised in the car park of the supermarket that I didn’t have a stupid dollar to pay for a stupid trolley. Went to the ATM and got money out, got myself a croissant to eat while I was shopping and a yummy loaf of Low GI bread from Bakers Delight. Anyway, I finally got gold coin that ended up being a donation to the lucky kid that collected the trolleys because there was no trolleys to link to so that I could get my $2 back.
One thing that was a brilliant achievement on my memory’s behalf is remembering that I had some fantastic recipes in my handbag that I had printed out in the hope that I would have some time to make them.  One was a Cauliflower and Parmesan soup, and the other, a recipe for Chinese fried bread sticks. The soup was something that I wanted to try because I hadn’t made such a soup before. The Chinese Bread Sticks were something that I had a few times when other people had provided them as a contribution, they are so oily and delicious and in the hope that I could stop the seemingly life-long search for a bakery that I can buy them from, I thought that I could make them at home! So, I scrambled a list together of the veges, fruits, and pantry items on my “Out of Milk’ app and
once I was in the supermarket, I relaxed and wandered around for the next hour or so. I hear a lot of people announce that they hate food shopping and see it as a chore. But not me, I love dawdling around like I have nowhere else. More often than not, I find myself spending an hour or more in there trying to avoid the devilish items and trying to remind myself what I actually need rather than desperate want.  Didn’t get home until 7.30-8pm, unpacked my groceries and got some music going. Made my way through my dinner, then onto some dough for the bread sticks, then onto some soup and then while the soup was bubbling, I fried my bread sticks. A multi-tasking effort that made me forget my worries! My soup was delicious, I omitted the bacon and added masses of cracked pepper. My bread sticks were great at the time and were close enough to give me the satisfaction that I made them all by myself, but they did go a bit soggy the next day. But overall, were a very exciting achievement by myself and i must admit was was jumping around filled with excitement that i had re-created something so delicious :)
I try to have a great night to myself cooking when I feel a bit less than average because there is no pressure or guilt to do other house work and I’m the only judge of my experiments! I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I had a great yield which brought me comfort from food, both through warming food in my soup and through delicious taste memories in the Chinese bread.


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